Trip In Your Shoes began as a lifestyle, and only later became a structured reality. The project has been developing since 2017 precisely to tell the story of the emotions experienced along the trails, through words, photographs and video stories.
The concept of moving around the world on foot, with boots laced up and backpack on one’s shoulders, presupposes a knowledge of the territories that comes from the effort required to cross and explore them.


We believe that it is important to rediscover the beauty of places by reaching them through the effort of walking. Organising an itinerary on foot or a journey activates us in mind and spirit, reconnecting us with that dreamy part of our ego, which is too often neglected amidst daily tasks. Reaching places immersed in nature, experiencing them and recounting them, is what drives us to create content that has quality and feeling.


Through the communication channels at our disposal, we aim to invite our community to ‘get on the trail’, concretely and philosophically. We believe that it is important to educate people in the life of the trails, with its balances and rules. Being able to enhance an area in all its facets (gastronomic, cultural, social, nature trails) is for us a valid reason for commitment and passion.

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Culture: We believe in the value of local culture and traditions and relaunching rural an periurban territories.

Education: Awareness and respect stems from education. We believe in the empowerment of young people, the future ambassadors of these realities.

Sharing: We aim to share realities, stories, journeys and sustainable innovation to narrate the rural world.

Responsibility: We fill responsible to share the local realities we encounter and to develop the most concrete projects to support them.

Action: We walk, we explore, we travel sustainably, we speak to locals and we empower you to do the same, and discover the local wonders around you.

Biodiversity: Nature as the driving force of local development: for a life and tourism in rhythm with biodiversity.

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The main desire, for years, has been to create a kind of digital archive of all the itineraries we have completed on foot since 2017, touching distant countries, containing different contents and the mountains behind our homes. The diverse mix that comes together allows us to stay in touch with a network of people, stories, associations, bodies and organisations that allow us to return to backpacking expeditions from time to time.



We like to collaborate with people and brands that make the outdoors the focus of their activities. In a human society that is increasingly urbanised and engulfed by the accelerated pace of modernity, we like to develop synergies that allow us to create value by diving into nature.

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We offer our experience in the field to realities related to territorial promotion or areas of natural interest, such as national and regional parks. Through our video production agency – Trip In Production – we can guarantee the creation of high-quality multimedia content for social platforms or more traditional media.
What we most like to convey, also through our productions, is an approach interested in local cultures and the peculiarities that characterise each individual territory.

Our Team

We are a young, diverse, close-knit team with trails in our eyes and hearts.
Find out more about us!

Pietro Ienca

Founder of Tripinyourshoes

+39 3401683885

Doctor in Human Sciences of the Environment, Territory and Landscape in Milan. I have loved geography and hiking since I was a child. Passionate about documenting experiences with videos and photographs to share with everyone around. Official Drone Pilot recognized by ENAC Italy.

Luigi Chiurchi

Co-Founder of Tripinyourshoes

Videomaker and Beatmaker. He loves to tell his point of view through videos and photos, it is one of the things that gratifies him the most, the same goes for the music he produces.

Pietro Buatier

Social Media Manager

He loves writing and international politics. He is interested in communication in all its forms. Always a trekker and social media manager along the way. He loves trails, backpacking adventures and telling stories.